You probably know that your CS110 Electric Field Metres can run many years with minimal maintenance and without calibration. We recommend every three years a factory calibration for applications requiring a high degree of long-term accuracy.

For certain customers, our new CS110FV In-Field Verifier is more convenient or less expensive than sending your CS110s to the factory for calibration. This is the case for customers with a large number of CS110s, or those who are outside the US, or those required by safety protocols to keep systems up and running.

To verify a CS110 factory calibration use the CS110FV Verifier. The Verifier includes everything needed to test CS110s in the field with an accuracy of ±3%. It takes less than 10 minutes for the set up and verification process.

Housed in a rugged PelicanTM case, the Verifier includes a test cover that fits over the CS110 stator, a 12 Vdc alkaline battery pack, a GPS sensor to record the location of the CS110, and a CD100 keyboard display. A custom menu simplifies entering variables, initiating verification, monitoring the verification progress, and viewing the results.

To test a CS110 in the field, the Verifier determines a CS110 MPARALLELPLATE calibration factor with an accuracy of 3%. Applying measured dc voltages to a metal charge plate mounted close to the CS110 sense electrode and regressing the CS110 measured electric field against the Verifier applied electric field can achieve this. If the test calibration factor differs from the original factory calibration factor (±1%) by more than 4%, the CS110 should be cleaned and retested. If, after cleaning, the difference is still greater than 4%, switch to the new test calibration factor (±3%) or return the CS110 for a factory calibration (±1%).

Each CS110FV has a unique factory calibration factor due to small mechanical variations in the Verifier test cover.


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