Equipment Used: CR800, CS451, RF411, 3G Modem, water sampler, flow cell chamber for measurements

The Australian sugar industry is not just one of the world’s most efficient and innovative producers and exporters of sugar - it is also the leader in the adoption of sustainable farming practices.

The management of crops to increase the efficiency of treatments and decrease costs along with promoting more sustainable farming is a key part of ensuring these goals are met.

Campbell Scientific equipment is used in platforms to manage stations in cane research farms across Queensland. The layout of these stations consists of a constructed flume to capture runoff across a known area of planted cane. A CR800 series data logger is utilised within a trailer or enclosure to monitor environmental conditions, control equipment and provide alerts to personnel.

When rainfall or irrigation runoff is detected the flow rate of water is calculated based on the flume cross section and from a CS451 pressure transducer water depth measurement. This flow rate is accumulated and used to either trigger the collection of a sample for later analysis or can be used for in situ testing.

The status of each station is important for the ongoing operation. SMS messages are constructed by the stations for operators to identify when a site requires sample collection or attention.

As a platform for many research projects in North Queensland these stations have proved valuable and customisable to suit the needs of growers and industry researchers.


In Stream

Catchment flow (ML), Nitrate (NO3), Electrical Conductivity (EC), Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), Total Suspended Solids (TSS), Temperature (DegC)

Farm Level

Approximate event discharge (L/s), Nitrate (NO3), Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), Total Suspended Solids (TSS)

Farm Management

Area under cropping, Fertilizer applied (mixture, rate), Irrigation applied, Cultural operations, time of operations



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