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CR310 Modbus PLC siemmens S7-300 WIFI

kokihualpa Jul 27, 2017 10:13 PM

Is possible my CR310 like slave can get communication modbus WiFi with a PLC siemmens S7-300?

what I need It plus?

grmc Jul 28, 2017 08:31 PM

As far as i know, its possible, the datalogger can act as a modbus slave in the network.

There is some instructions in CRBasic to configure the datalogger as Slave or Master in a Modbus network,

You can see help in CRBasic over this instructions:



The datalogger dont have a modbus map, but you can create registers in the program and asign a modbus addres to each variable then you have to configure this addres in the PLC "modbus master"  to poll the information from the datalogger.

You can see also:


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