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RTMC Pro data back within range email

jarlu Jul 31, 2017 05:40 PM


I currently have a system where RTMC Run-Time sends "data out of range" emails via text and numeric alarms.  A snapshot of one of the screens is taken 5 seconds after the new data comes in to allow for the page to update, and then the email is sent out with the snapshot attached with a delay of 30 seconds.  This setup is working well for alarming of data out of range.

I'd like to do a similar thing once the data is back in range.  Occasionally we have data out of range due to a power surge etc that will only last for a single sample.  If we could confirm that data is restored to normal immeadiately after, we could save someone from going in over night/on the weekend to confirm.

The closest I've come to being able to accomplish this is with a multi-state alarm, making one state on and the other off.  This will allow me to send an email whenever the state toggles.  However, I can't find a way to delay the email with multi-state alarms, so the attached screenshot shows the former state.

Is there a way to either delay emails from a multi-state alarm, or to send an email when data falls back within range from text and numeric alarms?

Thank you!

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