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Java SDK - Datalogger Hosted Applets

AaronR Nov 19, 2019 03:03 AM


I'm looking at ehe Java SDK, and the product page states:

In addition, Java applets created with the Java PakBus SDK can reside in the data logger and provide direct control and data access through a web browser interface.

Java applications and applets using this SDK can be created for a PC or web application. Java applets created to run in the data logger will use the web server feature from the TCP/IP stack of the CR800, CR850, CR1000 or CR3000 to make the applet available to a web browser connection.

However, the publicly avaliable manual doesn't make any reference to this functionality. Does this allow running Java code on the datalogger itself, or does it just store an applet and make it avaliable over the web server (with the applet using the SDK to communicate back with the datalogger).


JDavis Nov 20, 2019 03:22 PM

The later is true. Your web browser will download the applet through the web server on the datalogger, and you PC runs the applet. The applet will communicate with the datalogger to get data etc.

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