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Young 52203 Pluviometer wiring problem

m.calispa Oct 29, 2018 06:42 PM

I plan to install a few Young 52203 pluviometers along with 4 TDRs and also a CS215 Temperature and relative humidity, to a CR300 datalogger. I am using LoggerNet in order to configure the equipment.

I have a problem with the Young 52203 wiring, according to the ShortCut app, the I should connect the black wire to the P_SW port on the CR300 datalogger, and the white and clear wires to Ground (G). I proceeded as mentioned in the ShortCut app, however after several tries the device registered no data.

I decided to disensamble the device and I realized that in this model the black and red wires are not connected (heater in the 52202 model) while the switch is connected to the green and white wires. I corrected the wiring then and I connected the green wire to the P_SW port on the CR300 datalogger, afterward I got some data records, however I am not 100% convinced if I should connect the green wire or if I should use the white wire. Also, I do not understant why the LoggerNet app is providing that wiring diagram, is it an error on the app?

ChipsNSalsa Oct 29, 2018 11:18 PM

CSI wiring:


 differs from CSL wiring:


It appears you bought the 52202/52203 from CSL or possibly from RM Young directly. If you put Short Cut into the CSL sensor support mode ("Program" pull-down menu | "Sensor Support" menu item | Campbell Scientific Ltd. (UK) submenu item) you'll see a 52202/52203 Rain Gauge (CSL) sensor that, when selected, will have a green wire attached to the P_SW channel and a white wire attached to a G channel.

m.calispa Oct 29, 2018 11:35 PM

Indeed, I did not realize the UK sensors support. Issue solved.

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