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Creating files when external command is activated

Otemohu Sep 5, 2018 08:18 AM

Hi all,

I'm currently using a CR6 datalogger with two instruments connected in RS232. The scan frequency is 50hz. The system will be installed on a moving system. The two instruments will run continuously but the data aquisition has to be activated and stopped when user want. The user will use a PC.
I tried to use a boolean that we could turn on for acquisition and turn of to stop the acqusition but it is difficult to manage. The other major issue is that we would like to create a file for eac run/stop acquisition. We tried to use tablefile function as we used a microSD card but it does not work properly.

I dont know what is the best way to manage this. Your advices would be helpfull.

All the best,

JDavis Sep 5, 2018 03:21 PM

This is one way other users have managed a similar situation:

   Use a boolean to start and stop the table. (like you have done)

   Create a new variable for test number. Save that in your table with the data. It makes it easy to separate data from tests.

   Store data from different tests together.

   After collecting data, use the test number to separate the data into separate files.

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