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Pull weather data into an RTMC project using wunderground API

IslandMan Dec 14, 2017 01:47 PM


I have a client weather station using a Vaisala WXT Rainfall only sensor with a heater. The site is DC powered with large batteries and solar panels, but we don't want to waste power turning on the heater just with temps below freezing.

Thought was to pull the "weather" condition from a nearby wunderground site. The logger does not have internet access to pull in data from wunderground, but the pc running the web page does. Would it be possible, perhaps with a cora script?, to pull the xml file from the wunderground api so we'll know if it's snowing, sleeting, etc. A value forward of the condtion to the logger, would then allow us more definitive control of the heating. Also open to other ways to do this if anyone has any thoughts on the matter.



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