Get the most out of your CR6

Campbell Scientific recommends keeping your logger operating systems up to date in order to get the best performance out of your data logger. New operating systems allow you to access to new CRBasic instructions or new features so it’s important to upgrade on a regular basis. The latest operating system (OS) can be found in the Download section on our website.

Once the installer has been run, a PDF will automatically open with the latest changes. In this document will be listed which radio OS versions should be used.

Example from the CR6 OS 6.08

For the CR6 series with radio module (-RF12,-WIFI,-RF451), the procedure to update the OS is a two step process.

Note: As of July 2017, the RF412 is using OS version 1 and will not require update until a newer version is released.

1) Upload the Datalogger OS, a video is available on the Campbell Scientific website.

2) Upload the Radio OS.

Once connected to the CR6 via Device Configuration Utility, select the tab Send Os.
For step 1, simply select the relevant OS file for the CR6.
For step 2, select Files of type Daughter Card
Operating System Files (*iobj), then the appropriate radio OS.

Select the appropriate radio module to be uploaded

The reason for this is that each data logger operating system is tested with the latest radio module version OS’s so updating each allows for the maximum possible reliability.


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